Friday 14 October 2011


Please Save Water For Our Future

  • Friday 14 October 2011
  • Unknown
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  • I am here now to tell to you what is the value of the water. Without Water we cannot imagine this world that could be live or not.  Now we are Searching the water at Moon and Mangal Grah and we are happy to see the water and the result of our scientist's search but we are not doing something in our mother land the Earth.
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    Friends we should have to understand the value of Water at our mother land because we love nature and we does not want that this nature will destroy. 
    Every people need water even every live need water. But some kind of people didn't understand the importance of the water and they are still wasting the water. Waste water quota in 2070 so the situation continues like this would be so formidable as the monthly salary will get the water. 
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    So my dear friends save our life and save our water tank. It will save our future keep world healthy. Water saving habit among us must...Please do not waste water.
    As the title suggests, here is my list of the 10 ways to save water:
    1. Use your washing machine only when it is filled to its total capacity. You can save about 4500 litres per month in this process. Besides saving water, this method is also helpful to save electricity.
    2. Avoid using a shower for bathing. Try using a bucket instead. This will help you save about 150-200 litres everyday.
    3. Turn off the tap while brushing and save more than 200 litres of water every month.
    4. Stop participating in Holi. As we all know, a massive quantity of water is wasted during this festival.
    5. Don't drink water if you are not thirsty.
    6. Use sprinklers to water the plants provided you have a large garden.
    7. Ensure that your home has no leakages. Also check whether all water bottles are closed properly.
    8. Use small glasses for drinking water. The smaller the container, the less consumption of water.
    9. Whenever you waste water, just think about those millions of people who still struggle to save every drop of water for their survival.
    10. Lastly, spread awareness regarding water conservation.
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    The manner in which ground water-table is depleting, the days are not far off when water will become a scarce commodity and it is high time that we start adopting ways to conserve it and techniques to increase the ground water table.

    It is not possible for the government or some other agencies to protect the environment and maintain ecological balance without active support and participation of common people in this endeavour. Please called upon the people for taking small steps for water and energy conservation to make this world a better place to live in.

    Well, do you have any more ways to save water?  Please write down in your comment below.

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