Friday 28 October 2011


Deepavali - The Fastival of Lights

  • Friday 28 October 2011
  • Unknown
  • Diwali or Deepavali popularly known as the "festival of lights,"is a festival celebrated between mid-October and mid-November for different reasons. For Hindus, Diwali is one of the most important festivals of the year and is celebrated in families by performing traditional activities together in their homes. For Jains, Diwali marks the attainment of moksha or nirvana by Mahavira in 527 BC. Deepavali is an official holiday in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Mauritius, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, Suriname, Malaysia, Singapore and Fiji.

    The name "Diwali" is a contraction of "Deepavali" which translates into "row of lamps". Diwali involves the lighting of small clay lamps (diyas or dipas) filled with oil to signify the triumph of good over evil. These lamps are kept on during the night and one's house is cleaned, both done in order to make the goddess Lakshmi feel welcome. Firecrackers are burst in order to drive away evil spirits. During Diwali, all the celebrants wear new clothes and share sweets and snacks with family members and friends.

    The festival starts with Dhanteras on which most Indian business communities begin their financial year. The second day of the festival, Naraka Chaturdasi, marks the vanquishing of the demon Naraka by Lord Krishna and his wife Satyabhama. Amavasya, the third day of Deepawali, marks the worship of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth in her most benevolent mood, fulfilling the wishes of her devotees. Amavasya also tells the story of Lord Vishnu, who in his dwarf incarnation vanquished the Bali, and banished him to Patala. It is on the fourth day of Deepawali, Kartika Shudda Padyami, that Bali went to patala and took the reins of his new kingdom in there. The fifth day is referred to as Yama Dvitiya (also called Bhai Dooj), and on this day sisters invite their brothers to their homes.

    Date of Diwali

    Diwali falls on the one new moon night between mid-October and mid-November. This year it was on 26th October 2011. Deepavali is celebrated for five days according to the lunisolar Hindu Calendar. It begins in late Ashvin (between September and October) and ends in early Kartika (between October and November). The first day is Dhan Teras. The last day is Yama Dvitiya, which signifies the second day of the light half of Kartika. Each day of Deepavali marks one celebration of the six principal stories associated with the festival.

    Lakshmi Puja

    Deepavali marks the end of the harvest season in most of India. Farmers give thanks for the bounty of the year gone by, and pray for a good harvest for the year to come. Traditionally this marked the closing of accounts for businesses dependent on the agrarian cycle, and is the last major celebration before winter. Lakshmi symbolizes wealth and prosperity, and her blessings are invoked for a good year ahead.

    There are two legends that associate the worship of Lakshmi on this day. According to the first legend, on this day, Lakshmi emerged from Kshira Sagar, the Ocean of Milk, during the great churning of the oceans, Samudra manthan. The second legend (more popular in western India) relates to the Vamana avatar of the big three Vishnu, the incarnation he assumed to kill the demon king Bali. On this day, Vishnu came back to his abode the Vaikuntha; so those who worship Lakshmi receive the benefit of her benevolent mood, and are blessed with mental, physical and material well-being.

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    Tuesday 25 October 2011


    Corruption In India - A war against Corruption

  • Tuesday 25 October 2011
  • Unknown
  • Political, bureaucratic, corporate and individual corruption in India are major concerns. A 2005 study conducted by Transparency International in India found that more than 55% of Indians had first-hand experience of paying bribes or influence peddling to get jobs done in public offices successfully. India tops the list for black money in the entire world with almost in Swiss banks in the form of black money. According to the data provided by the Swiss Banking Association Report (2006), India has more black money than the rest of the world combined. Indian-owned Swiss bank account assets are worth 13 times the country’s national debt. 

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    The recent scams involving unimaginably big amounts of money, such as the 2G spectrum scam, are well known. It is estimated that more than trillion dollars are stashed away in foreign havens, while 80% of Indians earn less than 2$ per day and every second child is malnourished. It seems as if only the honest people are poor in India and want to get rid of their poverty by education, emigration to cities, and immigration, whereas all the corrupt ones are getting rich through scams and crime. It seems as if India is a rich country filled with poor people",the organisers of Dandi March II in the United States said.

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    As of December 2008, 120 of India's 522 parliament members were facing criminal charges. Many of the biggest scandals since 2010 have involved very high levels of government, including Cabinet Ministers and Chief Ministers, such as in the 2G spectrum scam, the 2010 Commonwealth Games scam and the Adarsh Housing Society scam, mining scandal in Karnataka and cash for vote scam.

    image altIn India found that more than 50% of the people had firsthand experience of paying bribe or peddling influence to get a job done in a public office. Taxes and bribes are common between state borders; Transparency International estimates that truckers pay annually US$5 billion in bribes. A 2009 survey of the leading economies of Asia, revealed Indian bureaucracy to be not just least efficient out of Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam, China, Philippines and Indonesia,further it was also found that working with India's civil servants was a "slow and painful" process. In Government Hospitals, corruption is associated with non availability of medicines (or duplicate/fake medicines), getting admission, consultations with doctors and availing diagnostic services. There have been cases of diversion of medical supplies from government hospitals and clinics[citation needed] as well as supply and distribution of medicines of inferior quality.

    Income tax department

    There have been several cases of collusion of officials of the income tax department of India for a favorable tax treatment in return for bribes.

    Right to Information

    The Right to Information Act (2005) and equivalent acts in the states, that require government officials to furnish information requested by citizens or face punitive action, computerization of services and various central and state government acts that established vigilance commissions have considerably reduced corruption or at least have opened up avenues to redress grievances.

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    2011 Indian anti-corruption movements
    The Lokayukta is an anti-corruption organization in the Indian states.These institutions are based on the Ombudsman in Scandinavian countries. An amendment to the Constitution has been proposed to implement the Lokayukta uniformly across Indian States as a three-member body, headed by a retired Supreme Court judge or high court chief justice, and comprise of the state vigilance commissioner and a jurist or an eminent administrator as other members.

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    Social welfare worker Anna Hazare has led a movement to compel the Indian Government to notify the Committee for the implementation of the Lokayukta against corruption as an independent body and also giving enough powers to the Lokayukta to also receive corruption complaints against politicians, bureaucrats and even sitting judges. Anna Hazare is currently pursuing an agenda to pass a bill called Jan Lokpal bill, and he has gathered the support of many citizens residing in metropolitan cities of India. He was on an indefinite fast at the Ramlila Grounds, Delhi, in order to campaign for the cause.

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    Effects of corruption

    According to a report by KPMG, "high-level corruption and scams are now threatening to derail the country's credibility and [its] economic boom".
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    Tuesday 18 October 2011


    Please Save Trees They are Very Important For Us

  • Tuesday 18 October 2011
  • Unknown
  • Trees are important, valuable and necessary for the existence of any living creature on earth. They are essential to life as we know it and are the ground troops on an environmental front line. Oxygen production, cleaning the soil, controlling noise pollution, slowing down storm water runoff, acting as carbon sinks, cleaning the air, providing shade and coolness, being windbreaks and fighting soil erosion can be considered as the first. 

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    few reasons why trees are priceless.

    Trees clean the air: Trees help cleanse the air by intercepting airborne particles, reducing heat, and absorbing pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.

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    Trees are Effective Sound Barriers : Trees are as effective as stone walls in stopping sound. They muffle urban noise almost as effectively as stone walls. Trees, planted at strategic points in a neighborhood or around your house, can mitigate major noises from crowded roads, railway stations and airports.

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    Trees Produce Oxygen : A mature leafy tree, in a few months, produces as much oxygen as that required by 10 people for one year.

    Trees Become dustbins for harmful gases : a tree absorbs and locks away carbon dioxide, and other harmful gases which warm the environment. An urban forest is a carbon storage area that can lock up as much carbon.

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    Trees Shade and Cool : Shade from trees reduces the need for fan, coolers and air conditioning in summer. Studies have shown that parts of cities without cooling shade from trees can literally be "heated islands," with temperatures as much as 4-6 degrees Celsius higher than surrounding areas. In winter, trees break the force of winter winds.

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    Trees Act as Windbreaks: trees break the force of the wind. This protects houses, farmland and vegetation.

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    Trees Fight Soil Erosion: Trees fight soil erosion, conserve rainwater, and reduce water runoff and sediment deposit after storms

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    Trees help in lowering the dust levels and pollution levels in the cities.

    Trees decrease respiratory problems; Children staying in areas and localities with trees have much less breathing problems that children staying in localities which have no trees.

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    • Planting of trees will help check the adverse impacts of climatic change. Plantations will be covered with greenery from the city and will exclude the problem of groundwater levels also.

    Finally I would say only that the trees  are the very very important for us and our future . It is  equally important for earth and its environment. Cutting trees is so dangerous for  our health  and it is also responsible for global warming.  There are many problems  we  are facing due to  the global warming. 

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    Trees are providing us fresh air with the cost of nothing. Even I will must say that only because of trees we are living at this earth or  at this world. We are destroying this world by cutting them. They are very valuable for us. 

    So please Save the Tree and do plantations of trees as much as you possible.  It will give you the happiest moment of your life.

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    Friday 14 October 2011


    Please Save Water For Our Future

  • Friday 14 October 2011
  • Unknown
  • I am here now to tell to you what is the value of the water. Without Water we cannot imagine this world that could be live or not.  Now we are Searching the water at Moon and Mangal Grah and we are happy to see the water and the result of our scientist's search but we are not doing something in our mother land the Earth.
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    Friends we should have to understand the value of Water at our mother land because we love nature and we does not want that this nature will destroy. 
    Every people need water even every live need water. But some kind of people didn't understand the importance of the water and they are still wasting the water. Waste water quota in 2070 so the situation continues like this would be so formidable as the monthly salary will get the water. 
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    So my dear friends save our life and save our water tank. It will save our future keep world healthy. Water saving habit among us must...Please do not waste water.
    As the title suggests, here is my list of the 10 ways to save water:
    1. Use your washing machine only when it is filled to its total capacity. You can save about 4500 litres per month in this process. Besides saving water, this method is also helpful to save electricity.
    2. Avoid using a shower for bathing. Try using a bucket instead. This will help you save about 150-200 litres everyday.
    3. Turn off the tap while brushing and save more than 200 litres of water every month.
    4. Stop participating in Holi. As we all know, a massive quantity of water is wasted during this festival.
    5. Don't drink water if you are not thirsty.
    6. Use sprinklers to water the plants provided you have a large garden.
    7. Ensure that your home has no leakages. Also check whether all water bottles are closed properly.
    8. Use small glasses for drinking water. The smaller the container, the less consumption of water.
    9. Whenever you waste water, just think about those millions of people who still struggle to save every drop of water for their survival.
    10. Lastly, spread awareness regarding water conservation.
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    The manner in which ground water-table is depleting, the days are not far off when water will become a scarce commodity and it is high time that we start adopting ways to conserve it and techniques to increase the ground water table.

    It is not possible for the government or some other agencies to protect the environment and maintain ecological balance without active support and participation of common people in this endeavour. Please called upon the people for taking small steps for water and energy conservation to make this world a better place to live in.

    Well, do you have any more ways to save water?  Please write down in your comment below.

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    Friday 8 October 2010


    Om Jai Laxmi Mata

  • Friday 8 October 2010
  • Unknown
  • Friends
    On this Dashera I want to give you a beautiful gift for you.
    I have uploaded some photographs of Laxmi Mata Ji. If you want to see and download
    Please go ahead...........

    Mata ji Aarti........(Download)................                    

    Mata ji ke Darshan .........(Download).............       

    Jai Maa SheraWali Ki........(Download)...........                                   

    Swastik Yantra ....................(Download).........         

    Jai Maa Durga.........(Download)...................

    Enjoy Friend..!
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    Wednesday 22 September 2010


    Hidden Things of Your Mobile

  • Wednesday 22 September 2010
  • Unknown

  • Hi Friends,
                   How are you my readers.  Friends do know these things of your Mobile that things I will tell you soon in my blog.  These things are very important for us and these are very helpful for us in emergency. There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies. Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival. 
    Check out the things that you can do with it:

    The Emergency Number worldwide for  Mobile   is  112.
     If you find yourself out of the coverage area of
      your mobile; network and there is an emergency,
     dial  112  and the mobile will search any existing
     network to establish the emergency number for you,
     and interestingly this number  112  can be dialled
     even if the keypad is locked. Try it out.

    Hidden  Battery   Power
    Imagine your mobile battery is very low.
     To activate, press the keys  *3370#
     Your mobile will restart with this reserve and the
     instrument will show a 50% increase in battery.
    This reserve will get charged when 
     you charge your mobile next time.

    How to disable a
    STOLEN  mobile phone?
    To check your Mobile phone's serial number,
     key in the following digits on your phone:  * # 0 6 #
    A 15 digit code will appear on the screen.
    This number is unique to your handset.
     Write it down and keep it somewhere safe.
     When your phone get stolen, you can phone
    your service provider and give them this code.
     They will then be able to block your handset
     so even if the thief changes the  SIM  card,
     your phone will be totally useless.
     You probably won't get your phone back,
     but at least you know that whoever stole it
     can't use/sell it either.
    If everybody does this, there would be
    no point in people stealing mobile phones.

    Try this !  it is very important for us 
    baye Friends
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    Monday 30 August 2010


    Rare PhotoGraphs For Rare Person

  • Monday 30 August 2010
  • Unknown
  • Dear Friends
    This is very rare photographs of BalaJi-Taken inside the temple many years ago.  In the History of the Tirupathi Tirumala Temple, There's only twice photos were allowed to be taken. Here is one of them.

    to Download this Picture Click Here

    to Download this Picture Click Here

    To Download this picture Click Here 

    To Download this picture Click Here

    then ok 
    my friend enjoy and thanx

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